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Saturday, June 30, 2012

random thoughts...again

Thought # 1.
That while my blue Hydrangeas sometimes weep in the extreme heat...
The 'Annabelles' are really looking fresh.

Thought #2.

Wicker laundry baskets make the best weeding, trimmings haulers.
These are soo old and have been left out in rain and scorching sun and are still strong!
(I try to remember to put them away... but they have been out for days even as I write lol)

Thought # 3.

There's nothing like sleeping with a bouquet of lavender on ones' nightstand on a warm summer night!

Thought #4.
Hollyhocks make me smile..they remind me of English fairy tales.
Told you it was random! lol

1 comment:

  1. You have not seen a weeping hydrangea till you've seen mine in the Texas heat. Yours look just wonderful to me!!


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