a humble garden blog... Above photo not enhanced in any way... All photos and text property of glimpsesofglory-karen... please ask permission to use

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A little bit of this...

Kissing Cousins now reside in the Salvia - they seem happy
 The 'Great Heron' iris
The Chive blooms are BIG this year! 'Gallery Pink' Lupinus in the background
I dug 'Ostrich' fern from one of the beds for these urns...Lord knows there's enough of it.
'Mrs. P.B. Trux' Clematis is in her stride
'Carolina Moonlight' (?) Baptisa picks up the inner color of this Peony
Knock out roses are starting...
In pink...
and red.
Love how these 'Queen Alexander Poppys pick up the same shade of pink as the 'Glad Heart' Iris!
This is not a great shot but I like the way it shows the blues...

So thats what's happen here...

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